About Dan

Last Updated on August 16, 2021 by Daniel Stenabaugh

Welcome to My Online Retirement Business

I am confident that you will find a lot of helpful information here as you develop your new online marketing business.

How I got Started

Soon after I retired in 2005, I knew that I wanted to be more fully engaged in developing some ideas that had been on hold during my working years.

I had many ideas that seemed worthy of developing, but felt I didn’t have the skills or the knowledge needed to bring these ideas to light.

I knew that a life of leisurely activity would take me only so far and playing golf and reading the news all day long just wasn’t going to make it for me.

When I discovered online marketing, I knew a grand venture lay before me. I was on the right path and I haven’t looked back.

How I can help

Since I started, I have learned enough to be able to develop several websites that cover fields as diverse as Options Trading and Adaptive Living support.

I know how important it is to remain active as we age and it is my intention to share with you all that I have learned about this rewarding undertaking.


Our Goals

The goal of this website is to share with you the resources you need to design and develop your own online marketing business. Whether you intend to make your online activities a means of sharing an interest, or maybe writing a book, or a source of retirement income, I believe I will be able to help you do reach those goals.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Dan Stenabaugh


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